Monday, December 28, 2009

Should I win the worst blogger award?

I think yes.
Lets speed update yet again.
School is finished! booyah. I did not necessarily do as well as I had hoped when I first started the semester, but as soon as finals week approached my goal of getting at least all B's slowly dipped to passing my Anatomy&Physiology final. 
 But now it is on to a new semester, oh joy!
Christmas was just here and can I say I am LOVING IT! I mean how can you not when Christmas looks like this?:

I would dare to say you should all be jealous but it has been absolutely freezing lately. But I can at least say you all should be jealous of this view. I feel very fortunate that I get to come home to this, even though I love the snow...sometimes..most the time.

Santa brought me an iphone this year. 
You truly out did yourself Santa.
And then you topped it off with Michael Buble tickets. I really don't think I've been good enough this year but I'll take it!

Tomorrow I go back to Provo, oh Provo.
Back to school, back to school
to prove to mom I'm not a fool.
