Monday, March 29, 2010


Well it turns out I did not have strep throat. I have mono. yes mono, and no, i am not a floosy.
Here is how the story begins:
For a little over 2 weeks I have had a cold, which is quite annoying if I do say so myself. Well I woke up Wednesday morning with THE WORST sore throat of my life. So, I got my butt over to the Urgent Care to see a Doctor. She ran no tests and prescribed me an antibiotic called azithromycin, she called it a Zpack. Well Just so happens I am allergic to Penicillin and eurthromycin, which means anything that ends in -cillin or -mycin I am allergic to.
So I took the Z Pack for the first day, then I was up throwing up all night long. (let me just add that throwing up with a almost closed off throat is not that great)
So, I woke up my roommate Whitney asking if she could take me back to Urgent Care cause I couldnt breathe and I think I was allergic to my medicine. Well I ended up in the ER with my throat closed off and finding out I was infact super allergic to the Z Pack. They ran some tests, I may or may not have thrown up on the guy drawing my blood. (oops. I dont like needles, I'm sorry) And a few hours later they tell me that I have a severe case of Mono. Fail.
Lucky for me my mom got on a plane the second she heard I was in the ER, so she put me up in a nice hotel with her and is taking good care of me. I'm on tons of medication, its really ridiculous, including steroids. I better not get a beard..
I finally have my appetite back and I think today I am going to venture outside, considering I've been in bed for 6 days and only got up to go to the bathroom and when my mom forces me to take a bath, and after those baths I am so tired I pass right out.

ANYWAYS, thats my story. Super exciting, right?
oh and p.s they told me no sports for a MONTH or 2! How dare they..but I would like to keep my spleen so I suppose I will listen...  

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kill me. Please.

This is me right now. 
About the only benefit of strep is getting to have Jamba Juice for every meal.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today I can just taste spring.
It is a whopping 60 degrees here in Utah and I could not be happier. :)