Monday, March 29, 2010


Well it turns out I did not have strep throat. I have mono. yes mono, and no, i am not a floosy.
Here is how the story begins:
For a little over 2 weeks I have had a cold, which is quite annoying if I do say so myself. Well I woke up Wednesday morning with THE WORST sore throat of my life. So, I got my butt over to the Urgent Care to see a Doctor. She ran no tests and prescribed me an antibiotic called azithromycin, she called it a Zpack. Well Just so happens I am allergic to Penicillin and eurthromycin, which means anything that ends in -cillin or -mycin I am allergic to.
So I took the Z Pack for the first day, then I was up throwing up all night long. (let me just add that throwing up with a almost closed off throat is not that great)
So, I woke up my roommate Whitney asking if she could take me back to Urgent Care cause I couldnt breathe and I think I was allergic to my medicine. Well I ended up in the ER with my throat closed off and finding out I was infact super allergic to the Z Pack. They ran some tests, I may or may not have thrown up on the guy drawing my blood. (oops. I dont like needles, I'm sorry) And a few hours later they tell me that I have a severe case of Mono. Fail.
Lucky for me my mom got on a plane the second she heard I was in the ER, so she put me up in a nice hotel with her and is taking good care of me. I'm on tons of medication, its really ridiculous, including steroids. I better not get a beard..
I finally have my appetite back and I think today I am going to venture outside, considering I've been in bed for 6 days and only got up to go to the bathroom and when my mom forces me to take a bath, and after those baths I am so tired I pass right out.

ANYWAYS, thats my story. Super exciting, right?
oh and p.s they told me no sports for a MONTH or 2! How dare they..but I would like to keep my spleen so I suppose I will listen...  


  1. ewwwwwwie! That sucks so bad!!!! Janae and I missed you Monday night. The episode this week was actually WAY good and not as frustrating/stupid as previous weeks, even though Jenny is still the biggest idiot in the world. Get better already, though! And what an adorable mama you have :)

  2. Oh man, I'm so sorry. I'm glad your mom was able to come save you. I liked your comment, "I may or may not have thrown up on the guy drawing my blood." I hope you're all better by now!
