Monday, May 24, 2010

New Yob.

I work at PF Changs now.
this could cause a problem since im OBSESSED with crab wontons.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Gossip Girl

I hated the way Gossip Girl ended.
I knew the whole episode would be super lame and all the juice would be at the end.
But yet, I will continue to watch, as always.
I think CW is trying to kill me and every girl in America.
Just tell me this, where is MY Chuck Bass?
(I'd also take Nate...sorry, i said it)
p.s if chuck is dead I refuse (maybe) to ever watch GG again.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sun Burn

Today I went with my mom to get Mothers Day massages, compliments of Burke Williams. Which, btw, is the nicest spa I have ever seen and been to. 
Anyways, the point is not to rub it in that I got an hour massage and you didnt, but to state my concern. I am seriously not looking forward to my body looking like the bodies of the ladies at the spa. I mean I always knew one day I would be super wrinkly, complete with saggy boobs and there being no way of telling if I actually have a butt of if my waist just turns straight into thighs. But today, I was grossed out, hopefully enough so that I will keep fit the rest of my life. AND hopefully enough to never have a belly button ring at age 50 and enough to not ever get a visable tattoo. Holy eff those tramp stamps on grandmas.. I dont think I need to continue with that, you have a horrible mental image as it is.
OOPS. sorry.
In other news I am sunburnt and it never felt so good. I was beginning to think I would never remember what it felt like to be sun burnt. Its great.
Oh and I'm reading The 5 People You Meet In Heaven. So far its a great read, you should go get it right now.
I think I just felt a mini earthquake, anyone else feel that?