Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Call me crazy but I love rain.
Sure I was born and raised in sunny southern california,
but I might go as far to say that I prefer rainy days to sunny.
The rain just makes most everything ten times better.
It makes everything more beautiful,
the grass, the trees, the sky, the sunsets,
but mostly city lights at night,
glowing and reflecting on the ground,
and hello?!
Me in my red hunter boots and forget about it,
I'll be the happiest girl out there playing in the rain with those suckers on.
And who could hate the haunting aroma of wet pavement?
i think no one, there is nothing quite like it.

I remember rainy days as a kid and it reminds me of all my favorite things:
Seattle, Hawaii, movies all day, soccer, hockey, relaxing music, naps with the windows open, slip n slides, dancing, mud sliding and stephens hot chocolate.

I love all those things with out rain, but with rain makes them that much better.

1 comment:

  1. my friend's dad is Stephen of Stephen's hot chocolate. haha. just thought you should know.
