Saturday, December 4, 2010

venting sesh.

I cant help but notice, in my life and those around me, that fear over rules our lives.
we end relationships, because we are scared they might not work out.
we stay in school and change our majors, because we are scared we wont be good at the ones we are in.
we hide certain parts of who we are, because we are scared what others will think.
we travel, move or go on missions(sometimes) to run away from our lives, cause we are just scared of life.

Well, i dont know about you, but im sick of being scared. im sick of fear ruling my life.
i want to keep my big heart and not have to guard it, i want to be vulnerable.
i want to stop assuming everyone will hurt me.
i want to stop playing games and pretend like i dont care.
i want to stop running away
and i want to start my life.

the only way to do this is to stop being scared.
were going to miss out on too many amazing things and people in life if we are scared.
so, stop being scared with me.
be brave. be vulnerable.
do not be scared.

"if we wait around to be sure, we will be waiting forever."
if you want it, stop thinking, go get it.
the rest will take care of itself.

***sorry for being deep. ill write a sarcastic and rude post soon to make up for it. promise.

1 comment:

  1. ruv you. let's all move to California and play on the beach forever, mmmmkay?
